Friday, February 28, 2014

Summing It All Up

Using lines, shapes, and colors make a significant difference because the text is different sizes and shapes which draws the viewers attention to think that the larger the shape, the more important it is. It allows the user to be more creative and inventive on presenting information to a viewer. Being able to connect shapes and lines together also conveys an idea or connection without saying words. Take for example a picture of a square and Spongebob; connect a line between them and the viewer is forced to connect the two shapes and images together and associate them through indexical signs. It's implied that a square is the same shape of spongebob, so it becomes an implied connection or association.

Based on the Rhetoric of being able to draw in/insert images opened up the rest of the users to go and find images to post something in. I will say the idea of following the prompt completely flew out the window and no one really paid any attention to the lesson after that. It became a race to see how much they could post in the doc while remaining anonymous. People feel more comfortable being able to say or do things when there doesn't have to be a name associated with them. So in this case, being able to paste images or words that you wouldn't normally show in a classroom or bring up in a classroom became more accessible and acceptable to post it since it can't be traced back to you potentially. Another example of how we're influenced by the rhetoric, some people were posting meme's about patrick and that prompted another person to make quotes that Patrick makes.

For most of the time I remained silent and I was slightly annoyed that as a teacher, they were completely ignored by his students because people were messing around on the drawing and not even paying attention. I know that using a format where everyone can edit and insert images is pretty much asking for it, but completely ignoring the topic and fueling the fire did made me angry how they were slightly disrespectful to the teacher. So that made me not participate in adding meme's and writing random stuff because I was trying to pay attention to the teacher. Every once and awhile I tried deleting the non-sense to keep people on task and slightly focused, but that didn't really work so I gave up and ignored most of it.

If we're using information for academic purposes and counting CREDIBLE sources we don't use wikipedia because it can be changed by the public based on voting and influence. This goes for the collaborative work we did just now because people will post random wiggling people or cats in space and there is no credibility or anyone owning up to their actions. It's based on anonymous actions that can't be traced or counted as credible. Not to mention it's easy to read and track when the content and page doesn't keep constantly changing. Using this type of tool is good for brainstorming and sharing ideas to get the "academic juices flowing", but it shouldn't be something that is cited, sourced, and turned in for a a dissertation or such.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Meme's FTW!

So for today we're making meme's based on Althusser's passages that confuse us.

Ramsey's Confusing Passage: "What distinguishes the ISAs from the (repressive) state apparatus is the following basic difference: the repressive state apparatus functions "by violence" whereas the ideological state apparatuses function "by ideology".

I decided to make this cute little meme based on Philosoraptor. I'm not really sure why I wanted it to say that exactly, but to touch again on what your passage says, that there are two apparatus that function together and help fuel one another. Without ideology, there wouldn't be repression and violence. And without violence, there wouldn't be people that strive for the ideological. The ideological is just an image of a utopian state that can never be achieved, but people still try and work towards. 

Shens Confusing Passage: "To my knowledge, no class can hold State power over a long period without at the same time exercising it's hegemony over and in the State Ideological Apparatuses"

Here is "Y U NO" rage face. I chose this one because there is no way that you can hold an ideological state apparatus. Think of any group that supports one thing; there is always another group that will fight against those beliefs and choose to repress and argue the standpoint. Take for example the government and our senators. We elect them and they will stay in power as long as we vote for it. If we don't like them, there will be groups that will try and discredit them and if enough people agree with them, their "State power" is taken away. Dictators can rule their country through fear and violence, but there will always be a resistance and total control will never be possible. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Interpreting the Ideological and Repressive

Based on the reading, "But now for what is essential. What distinguishes the ISAs from the (repressive) State Apparatus is the following basic difference: the Repressive State Apparatus functions "by violence", whereas the Ideological State Apparatuses function "by ideology" (80). In this passage he is talking about how the two distinguish themselves between each other. The Repressive sets rules that repress the ideological. For example the Agents and Potential Agents. The Potential Agents don't have set limits and since they aren't the ruling class, they test the boundaries and limits until the ruling class (Repressive) comes in and sets in limits to what they can and can't do.

The one that I'm not quite sure about is "In the same way, but inversely, it is essential to say that for their part the Ideological State Apparatuses function massively and predominantly by ideology, but they also function secondarily by repression, even if ultimately, but only ultimately, this is very attenuated and concealed, even symbolic. (There is no such thing as a purely ideological apparatus). Thus schools and Churches use suitable methods of punishment, expulsion, selection, etc., to "discipline" not only their shepherds, but also their flocks. The same is true of the Family....The same is true of the cultural IS apparatus (censorship, among other things, ) etc." (81). I think it's talking about that there is no way we can truly have it one state of being because there will always be someone or something out there that will counter or fight the ideological state. If there is a dictator, they can try and rule in fear and violence all they want to stop uprisings against them, but that won't stop everyone. There will always be a group somewhere that will rebel against them, which is why we have laws and institutions to keep the ideological more realistic.

Responding to another's post will get done after I get back from work.

Ramsey's Post: What distinguishes the ISAs from the (repressive) state apparatus is the following basic difference: the repressive state apparatus functions "by violence" whereas the ideological state apparatuses function "by ideology
I'm back from work at like 10pm, so here we go to finish it. This is exactly what I was talking about. You are correct that the Repressive (not Representative) is an acting class of power (government as you say) that uses violence to repress the lower classes (private companies as you use in your example)

Shen's Post: ""To my knowledge, no class can hold State power over a long period without at the same time exercising its hegemony over and in the State Ideological Apparatuses" (Althusser 81)"
I had to look up the word "Hegemony" because the whole statement threw me off without knowing what it meant since the rest of the statement makes comparisons to hegemony. Hegemony is an indirect form of government which uses connections to imply their power and control through fear and threats of violence. What I think Althusser is trying to say is that no class can hold overall power by ruling with fear and threats while under the impression this is the ideological state they want to keep their status. Ideologically, one would be ruling in power based on the loyalty of their people based on trust not through a threatening power repressing them in fear to keep control.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Plagiarism or Not?

This is one of the images I can see me using in my blog site.
It wouldn't just let me save the file onto my desktop, so I had to screen shot the image onto my computer. So if there is any discrepancy, let me know and I can give you an alternative. I posted the url for the image if you need it.

This image would be used in the part of showing what the money people donate will go towards. Specifically this money will go towards new habitats that are open for the animals, as animal sanctuaries.

Here is a link to a video where this lady made her whole estate a cat sanctuary. Enjoy the cats.

Here is the URL:

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day Norms!

The culture of Valentines has roles and restrictions depending on the age and the gender of the person.

Children (+7-14): At this stage, I hope kids don't have a relationship right now because....yeah, way too young. In elementary classes at the very least, they play the role of the giver and the receiver when it comes to valentines day customs. Kids hand out their pre-made cards they worked on the last couple days and the overall goal becomes gaining the most cards or favoring the people that stick candy to their cards.

For adult women: Often we're charged as the receiver. We're not expected to reciprocate the gift giving. I mean, if you're in a relationship, you should WANT to give your partner/spouse/whatever something special. Not out of obligation because we expect them to get something or because we feel bad they got us something if we didn't want it and we have to pay them back. It should be because we WANT to.
* I'm sorry. she looks a little mental in this picture...

For adult men: There are stereotypical traditions that men must follow on this very Red and Pink day. Chocolates, Flowers, and a Card is the holy trinity of a valentines gift. advertises hard on their part to sell sell sell the bouquet of flowers as much as they can. Variations include a teddy bears or other stuffed animals.

The mere day sparks a frenzy of mixed feelings and shopping among those that choose to participate. The rhetors expect that there will be gifts, food, dressing up, and time spent with your significant other. It's what our culture has been accustomed to expecting those rules.

On the flip side, what are the roles of those that don't have that special someone. There are those to choose to bash and hate a day that excludes them. Personally, you make what you can of the day. You don't need a special someone. Sometimes it's the personal accomplishments that make the day just as special. Everyone chooses to react to the day in different ways. Some will spend it with friends and have an "Anti-Valentines Day" out of spite of the day to bring a sense of community among one another, some find different definitions of Valentines Days and celebrate it with people they love. And there are some people that make the day no different from any other day.
There is no WRONG or RIGHT in Hearts and Hooves Day (My Little Pony Reference: Don't shoot me). 
No one said that if you don't do "this, this, and that" then you're not "doing Valentines Day right". There isn't a criteria that you must check off to make "Valentines Day Complete". There is simply doing. Maybe not even that. Customs usually entail the couples and people that are in a relationship to go crazy with the chocolate, gifts, and dinner reservations or romantic ambiance, but I think it can be interpreted up to the person. People make what they want of the day. No one has dictated that the person you celebrate it with is someone you're in love with and want an intimate relationship with.

Facebook posts have people celebrating Valentines Day for losing weight (loving yourself), shout outs to the family and friends that support them (Love between friends and family), glad with where they are in life (loving the decision they make and being happy with what they're doing with their life), or the cliche loving your special person.

I would agree with the idea that it doesn't exist until we, as rhetors, decide what it should look like because people make what the want to make the day in their eyes. It doesn't have to be less special based on mentality, but there are people that CHOOSE to make it a horrifying day where they image themselves: 
I strongly believe mentality and attitude determines how to respond to a situation. If people choose to wallow in self pity, gush to everyone about their new bf, keep it romantic and private, or spend it with friends: then that's up to them. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Finalizing Plans for the Site

For the past week or so, we’ve gone over the fact that we’re creating a website concentrating on social problems that face society. My social problem/topic that I decided to tackle is Animal Rights. The site is supposed to inform communities of the injustices that animals go through and that there is a way for them to help. Be it through donation, volunteering, or adopting.  The main focus is on bringing awareness and adoption is just a subtopic that is within the social problem that can be the solution.

The reason I chose this topic specifically is because I love animals. I want to be known as the “Crazy Cat Lady” that got married; breaking the stereotype and meeting the stereotype at the same time. Animals give us comfort and may take work, but they are family and many animals need homes where they can live in a stable healthy environment. they don't talk back to you and are that ear that sometime people need when no one is around. They don't judge. They're just friends. 

I won’t post abused animals on the page because I want to have some class in my website. It’s tasteless, effective, but I don’t want to guilt trip the community to donate for animals based around graphic images. I want them to see where their efforts will take them with happy images of kittens and shelters that are being built. This way they know what their money is going towards. 
Example: Videos like these would be appropriate because it has a happy ending and gives the fuzzies.
 And make you feel like this...

I like how there are three very decisive choices to get involved. “Donate, Volunteer, and Adopt”. It’s decisive and clear about what the community can do to help.

But one thing that has become very popular is Infographs. This is an age in which current and future generations will share information through visual images. It is a universal language that people everywhere can communicate with and becomes visually pleasing to look at. The viewer doesn’t become over-saturated in massive amounts of text to the point where they won’t want to read it. “No Kill Mission” information/about page show their history in an infographic way.
Example: Geeks vs Nerds
Its informative, but visually pleasing to the eye -->

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Common Topics

These sites are a mixture between Animal Rights and Animal Adoption because at this point I'm trying to decided which direction I'm swayed to. I originally wanted to talk about why adopting animals would be beneficial and taking action by adopting them was going to be a link for people to get involved.

All of the sites have a way for the community to "Get Involved", but all of them do have the option of "Donate". Whether it is just an informative site to get people aware of animals situations or animal adoption sites. Some of the sites have more options such as volunteering to help animals out or fostering an animal just for a little bit.

They also had some form of news that linked to upcoming events or things that have happened that focused on the organization. Not to mention a way for the community to learn about their mission or the origins of their organization. They also have a way to contact the organization too.

PAWS has a drop down menu for the different tabs that link to different parts of the site and has a black and green theme, while Best Friends had a very simplistic home screen that featured orange and black. Almost all of them had some sort of logo riding on the upper lefthand corner in whatever colors they were theming the page.

I think my plan is to lean toward the animal rights, but ways to get involved and help stop animal cruelty is to have donating, volunteering, fostering, or adopting a pet available on the page. I like the fact that the news will be featured on the front home screen and have large images to catch the readers attention.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Logo

I don't have the image up yet because I don't have my tablet with me right now, but I'll get it up tonight and have posted in here soon.

The concept of the logo is a dog and cat outline and the middle divided with a heart.
The reason I chose this is because it's focusing on dogs and cats depending on the preference of the user. There is a heart that bisects the center because it ties the two animals together even though they are different in species. They need love and are loved and makes it seem inviting and warm since it will be the center and focus of the logo.

I'm still unsure if I want the focus to be "Why everyone should have animals" (benefits of having a pet) or animal rights and promoting adoption...or both...

The color scheme for the image is Blue, Orange, and white. So the outline of the animals are blue along with the line the bisects the two of them, but the heart will be orange to draw people's eyes to the focus of the heart as love and the center.

Like I said before, I'll post the image tonight and maybe if I feel like it, make an animation of the logo.

I just don't know if I can upload that.

Monday, February 3, 2014

My Webpage

So my plan for making a webpage is to talk about why people need pets.
The homepage will have a couple tabs: contact information, how to adopt animals, pros and cons about why adopting an animal is a good idea, and current news involving the animal adoption.

The front page was going to look somewhat like this. I'm still debating on having a drop down menu for all the other tabs, but that can be arranged later.
Or I might have the tabs and links to the side like this and boxes leading to news about animals.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Prezi Analysis!

Failblog is a mindless site to feed viewers need for images and instant gratification.
There are many categories that viewers can look at depending on what they want to see. This can range from images, gifs, or texts mostly mocking or making satirical remarks at other people's expense.
On the flip side, there are some images, gifs, and texts that enlighten, surprise, or enrich the viewer.

S   p    a   c   e: Failblog follows a template of 3 columns. The top bar never leaves your screen so, the user can access all the different posts. On the right hand side is used for advertising, hot trends for the day, and ways to keep in contact or share stuff from their sight. In the middle column is entries people have submitted that are subject to voting based on the users appeal or disapproval. On the left column shows what has been "Up Voted" the most.

                                       There are no organic lines to this sight. Most of them are confined within rectangles and boxes emphasizing the organization and focus to the images since all of the images are confined and boxed in by the lines.
Shape: The shapes are all rectangles or squares. Since all of the shapes are parallel to one another and none of them are diagonal, they look secure and seem sturdy in their place.

Tone: Based on the text, orange or blue becomes the background color and white stands out against the colors as the text. One is not more emphasized or more important than another.

Color: Failblog follows a blue, orange, and white color scheme. These colors are actually complementary colors on the color wheel. The mix of warm and cool colors. Orange is used as a highlighter and mark what is important color since it stands out agains the blue. It highlights the page you're on.

~Movement: Because all of the lines are vertically driven, our eyes follow a falling or downward path, which leads to more entries.

Rhythm: The rhythm of the web page can vary. It changes on the spacing of the columns and even the top bar that allows the user to access different subsites. But to some degree the rhythm is the same because it all is flowing in the same direction (vertical).

Have a Cat from --> Lolcats in Failblog