Monday, March 10, 2014

Ethos I completely spaced on

So for the ethos of this website, it's not meant to show animals beaten and hurt and how awful humans are and guilt the audience into donating a dollar because the site makes them feel obligated to.
The website is suppose to be cheerful to some degree and make people want to help because of the things that are being done by the organization.
Their money will have purpose and they can see the results it leads to whether it's success stories or a video of how an animal is transformed from the kindness of others.
I really don't know what else I'm presenting here in regards to ethos other than that. But I guess we'll see.
I guess the coloring is suppose to be warm and inviting. So that makes the site more approachable.
Needed to remove the color markers I left in the corner, so I will go back and fix that tonight.

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