How well do you understand the subject you're talking about? Or, put another way, how much research have you done on your topic?
3: There is always room for improvement, but I believe that I have a pretty good grasp on what I'm talking about and the content that I want to present in the website.
How much have you planned the way you'll present information/make your argument?
2: As it says, I've done some planning, but I haven't started anything until now. I have all the material I need to make my argument, but I just haven't started until now.
How much have you planned the visual design of your site?
3: I have all the images I know I need and if I don't I know where to find them. I have the color scheme planned and have already incorporated that in the project. And the image of the logo is up.
How much have you planned your site's structure/organization (pages and content)?
3: I have the links that I want to be the focus of the page and I new that for the "No Kill Mission" it's going to be very visually orientated.
How many assets have you gathered? (See Writer/Designer, chapter 4)
2: I think I have enough assets to get me through the project, but I could always use more.
After today's worktime, do you think you would be able to finish a complete draft of your site by Friday? By Monday?
--> I've been busy with Student Manager Training, Outside paining and animation I need to work on, Phi Sigma Pi business with events, planning, marketing, and work at Northside that makes it difficult for me to schedule time to work on the website outside of class. Not to mention I don't own Dreamweaver and Expressions is a PC application only. I know I can finish the website by Friday probably, but I don't think it will look as nice as I would want it.
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