In what ways does the web page resemble the code you've written? What is visible in the browser? What is not visible? Why do you think the sentence "I am testing a lot of formatting things out with it" didn't display staggered like it did in the code?
Some of the text in the coding is the same. Such as it saying "This is my webpage!" and "It's my conclusion". Mostly things in brackets and single letters will not show up in the page visually because that is the coding that is telling how the page will look and the text is the content that will be visually displayed.
Things that don't show up in the page.
"<h1>" is for the header. "<b>" is for bolding text. "<p>" is the page break. "<body>" unifies all the stuff into a single page.
The reason that it didn't show up as that because the coding to do that wasn't there. That is what the <br> is for. It's a single line break. If you want to have the page staggering. You need to tell the coding to do that.
In your editing program, delete </h1> from that second line of text. Save the file and refresh your browser window. In your blog, explained what happened when you deleted this element.
--> The text from "This is my webpage" down to "Like spacing" was all bolded. The backslash ("/") tells the command to stop here. Thus since there was no "</h1>, the coding didn't know when the header format was suppose to stop until the next <h2> appeared.
A Better Webpage
The page itself is more filled and generally looks the same. The only difference is that there is an external link to a video posted in the page. So that's a nice touch: Plus if it's cats on the internet. I've seen it for sure. Simon's Cat is hilarious.
Things that can be added is color and formatting and more visual things, but that requires advanced knowledge of coding, which I have basic coding knowledge sorta.
Pretty Webpage
The commands to <carrot> and </carrot> something still applies since only certain parts of the page are getting these visuals.
I believe the stuff in the {brackets} do the same as well, minus having to use a backslash to stop a command. It simply needs to fit within the brackets I think.
Compare, Contrast
Based on looking at the coding in dreamweaver, the coding is relatively similar except they have css that builds the coloring of the text into the content and images are derived and found in the location of where the image is stored. Also, the stuff that isn't going to be visually shown ranges from the blue text AND green text now.
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