These sites are a mixture between Animal Rights and Animal Adoption because at this point I'm trying to decided which direction I'm swayed to. I originally wanted to talk about why adopting animals would be beneficial and taking action by adopting them was going to be a link for people to get involved.
All of the sites have a way for the community to "Get Involved", but all of them do have the option of "Donate". Whether it is just an informative site to get people aware of animals situations or animal adoption sites. Some of the sites have more options such as volunteering to help animals out or fostering an animal just for a little bit.
They also had some form of news that linked to upcoming events or things that have happened that focused on the organization. Not to mention a way for the community to learn about their mission or the origins of their organization. They also have a way to contact the organization too.
PAWS has a drop down menu for the different tabs that link to different parts of the site and has a black and green theme, while Best Friends had a very simplistic home screen that featured orange and black. Almost all of them had some sort of logo riding on the upper lefthand corner in whatever colors they were theming the page.
I think my plan is to lean toward the animal rights, but ways to get involved and help stop animal cruelty is to have donating, volunteering, fostering, or adopting a pet available on the page. I like the fact that the news will be featured on the front home screen and have large images to catch the readers attention.
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