Sunday, February 2, 2014

Prezi Analysis!

Failblog is a mindless site to feed viewers need for images and instant gratification.
There are many categories that viewers can look at depending on what they want to see. This can range from images, gifs, or texts mostly mocking or making satirical remarks at other people's expense.
On the flip side, there are some images, gifs, and texts that enlighten, surprise, or enrich the viewer.

S   p    a   c   e: Failblog follows a template of 3 columns. The top bar never leaves your screen so, the user can access all the different posts. On the right hand side is used for advertising, hot trends for the day, and ways to keep in contact or share stuff from their sight. In the middle column is entries people have submitted that are subject to voting based on the users appeal or disapproval. On the left column shows what has been "Up Voted" the most.

                                       There are no organic lines to this sight. Most of them are confined within rectangles and boxes emphasizing the organization and focus to the images since all of the images are confined and boxed in by the lines.
Shape: The shapes are all rectangles or squares. Since all of the shapes are parallel to one another and none of them are diagonal, they look secure and seem sturdy in their place.

Tone: Based on the text, orange or blue becomes the background color and white stands out against the colors as the text. One is not more emphasized or more important than another.

Color: Failblog follows a blue, orange, and white color scheme. These colors are actually complementary colors on the color wheel. The mix of warm and cool colors. Orange is used as a highlighter and mark what is important color since it stands out agains the blue. It highlights the page you're on.

~Movement: Because all of the lines are vertically driven, our eyes follow a falling or downward path, which leads to more entries.

Rhythm: The rhythm of the web page can vary. It changes on the spacing of the columns and even the top bar that allows the user to access different subsites. But to some degree the rhythm is the same because it all is flowing in the same direction (vertical).

Have a Cat from --> Lolcats in Failblog

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