Monday, February 3, 2014

My Webpage

So my plan for making a webpage is to talk about why people need pets.
The homepage will have a couple tabs: contact information, how to adopt animals, pros and cons about why adopting an animal is a good idea, and current news involving the animal adoption.

The front page was going to look somewhat like this. I'm still debating on having a drop down menu for all the other tabs, but that can be arranged later.
Or I might have the tabs and links to the side like this and boxes leading to news about animals.

1 comment:

  1. I really like these design ideas. I haven't tried to do drop-down menus in Dreamweaver before. There's a short guide here that might work for us, even though it's written for a newer CS than we have in the AML. I'll get cracking on a walkthrough for our class.

    Now, for the larger, rhetorical question: why drop down menus? What do they do that buttons or other linking methods don't do?
