Monday, April 14, 2014

Worksheet Page

I'm getting really lazy on these blogposts. I'm so sorry ):

Accessibility: The accessibility for my page is fairly decent. I can always relink my pages back to the original page and get it what I want.
Transparency: With all the images that I have on the site, I think the general gist of the site is fairly transparent in it's goal.
Visuality: I tried adding videos and images into the site to help it not be so text dense.
Popular Designs/References to Current Culture (Kairos): The only page that I had popular references was the donation page and contact page which had links to facebook and other social networks.
Convenience: I think the convenience of the page needs work because it needs more images and maybe less text because no one would want to read through all of the text I had in it.
Personalization: I liked the color scheme I had going in the page. I think I'll keep the blue and orange theme, but change text font since people said the orange was a bit hard to read on the blue background.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4/7 Question of Categories...I'm seriously just doing all my late blog posts today to catch up

When we're talking the respectful remediation vs the radical remediation argumentative paper, I believe that we're striving toward the respectful remediation. The reason I think this is path we're going for is because we're not coming up with a whole new original thought. We're creating a new design that is based off of existing designs for a topic. Some of the small details of how we want the design to look like is up to us to be inventive, but to some degree the design has a similar pattern most websites that follow the same topic share. Along with the content. The argument is still made, the supporting reasoning is a large chunk of the page that will be the same regardless who does it and the there is a common ending statement made at the end. So in a nutshell: The re-invention of thanksgiving dinner and it's presentation may be different depending on the person, but the ingredients used to showcase thanksgiving (turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, etc.) is consistent minus differing techniques made to use it.

If it was a radical remediation then the content itself is different and has to add a new element to the dish. I don't know what specifically, but maybe new steps in preparing the meal or substituting the ingredients (content) of the page with something similar.

For my website, I want to try and make it less text based and more image and media based than I did for dreamweaver. Keeping the bare necessities to a minimum and adding as much media as I can and more interactivity.

3/31 Blog that is also late

Sexism is still a struggle and following under the domination of the patriarch is such a long standing system, it's hard to break away from it. Sure it's not as prevalent as it was back when there was a king and people were ruled under his power, but it's not gone. It still exists to some degrees. I have a friend that their mom works as a coach for swimming for many years and the ages she trains with show real progress and promise. She was soon replaced with a male younger than her, with little to no experience expecting advanced swimming techniques inappropriate for the age he was training and gained credit for all the people that my friends mom was technically responsible for training. The board that runs the program are mostly men and if not, women who are solely out to just enhance their child's training rather than the whole team.

Racism is another white elephant that we tend to just glaze over. We say we're over it and it's not around, but it's still there. People just don't want to admit it. One article I read was that a white child was shopping with her African American parents. But when confronted by shoppers and other people, they thought that the child was being kidnapped by the African Americans who happened to adopt a white child.  Read the article, it's really interesting to post-modern racism that still exists today.

What I've noticed about the technologies of today in regards to racism, colonialism, and sexism is that people are more freely opinionated on the internet. People are more inclined to speak their mind when dueling an anonymous account and not being accountable for the actions they make online and offline. Though there are ways of tracing IP addresses to comments that are more offensive than others, it doesn't hinder the fact that people are still more inclined to post their opinion more vocally and freely than they would in person. The accountability is lowered since people can't trace a face to the person and doesn't count as direct conflict.

In shows like "What if?" where scenarios are set up with actors to get local people in the area to react and see if they would stop a situation, the actors sometimes touch on the subject of racism and sexism if the role of the person stealing a bike was a African American man or a White guy or White Woman. People do react in different ways.

4/4 Post that is late

Here are the blogs I commented on: In case you might not find them since some didn't have theirs up
(I just had to redo them because I forgot that I need to authenticate by typing in the weird "T4CHD4" image they do, so it didn't save my comments.

Russ Walsh
- I enjoyed the concentration on cats because cats are the best and internet + cats = match made in heaven. I think the design is very appropriate to the audience since it's simplistic and it's only three different bars they need to keep track of. I know that it's meant for old people and I could only say that maybe you could expand beyond cats theme since I think the cats for old people is a very VERY specific group within older people, but since you already clarified that it's CATS for old people, you already had your heart set out for the theme. So I won't argue there.

Elements in general that websites like these emphasize on is accessibility to everyone. Simplistic design in which symbols and images represent a category to focus on. And since this audience was targeted toward old people, there really is no need for a social media sharing option since that's geared toward a younger audience more aware and accustomed to be hyper interactive.

Well done!

Wyatt Nunn
I can't remember if your group was meant for the old people or young children or if it there was a group for young children. So it was slightly confusing remembering the audience that this interface was meant for. The plus symbol I assume is for "LifeAlert", so I guess that counts as the indicator it's the audience of old people. I like the organization of the symbols even though it's a tad long and I don't think that old people would need that many options. I couldn't tell at first what the "N" symbol was for, but I guessed it was for news since so many people included that. The only thing I'd kinda like to see in this is using more texts and words to help label which button does what. It's a lot to assume that the older generation is going to know what each symbol means, so I think that would be beneficial to them.

Elements in general that websites like these emphasize on is accessibility to everyone. Simplistic design in which symbols and images represent a category to focus on. And since this audience was targeted toward old people, there really is no need for a social media sharing option since that's geared toward a younger audience more aware and accustomed to be hyper interactive. I think giving more options and accessibility to the viewer helps entice the audience to the interface as well.

Next Big Thing

Video games have taken players through an empathetic role and play through the model in a set of constricting rules. Taking these basic features of a video game and changing the medium has developed a new way of connecting the player to the videogame. From the Atari analog stick to the touch/duel screen consoles of today, videogames are pushing the limits of interaction with these worlds.

The remediation of this model is a radical step in videogame technology: The Oculus Rift.
This device allows the player to physically and visually experience the point of view of a game on the screen. The direct connection allows the player to feel more involved in the world they are placed in.

The Oculus is a 3D environment where the player puts on goggles and takes the idea of "First Person Point of View" to a whole new level.

The original medium this game type was featured on was a game console that was plugged into a TV or screening device that the player would visually view in front of them. The audience was meant mostly for the gaming community that was interested in technology and playing the role of another character and be able to do things that couldn't in real life. This still holds true to the existing community of gamers today. This console is the new game type because it remodels how we physically view our games. We now are in the place of the game. It also limits the perspective of the game by being solely in first person. This is the next big thing because even though this is being tested in video games, it can be used in society for other reasons as long as we don't get into a post apocalyptic world like Gamer. Power to the Player.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Wednesday Blog I forgot about...Oops

This is the the Elderly Tablet. Simple and provides the necessities in life for all their needs. Icons are fairly simple and LifeAlert is a must have for any adult. News, weather, photos are included apps that will help stay connected to the world. Contacts allows them to stay connected to family and they can talk to their family through this device and their phone.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reflection 1: Basic of the Basics

A Webpage
In what ways does the web page resemble the code you've written? What is visible in the browser? What is not visible? Why do you think the sentence "I am testing a lot of formatting things out with it" didn't display staggered like it did in the code?

Some of the text in the coding is the same. Such as it saying "This is my webpage!" and "It's my conclusion".  Mostly things in brackets and single letters will not show up in the page visually because that is the coding that is telling how the page will look and the text is the content that will be visually displayed.

Things that don't show up in the page.
"<h1>" is for the header. "<b>" is for bolding text. "<p>" is the page break. "<body>" unifies all the stuff into a single page.

The reason that it didn't show up as that because the coding to do that wasn't there. That is what the <br> is for. It's a single line break. If you want to have the page staggering. You need to tell the coding to do that.

In your editing program, delete </h1> from that second line of text. Save the file and refresh your browser window. In your blog, explained what happened when you deleted this element.
--> The text from "This is my webpage" down to "Like spacing" was all bolded. The backslash ("/") tells the command to stop here. Thus since there was no "</h1>, the coding didn't know when the header format was suppose to stop until the next <h2> appeared. 

A Better Webpage
The page itself is more filled and generally looks the same. The only difference is that there is an external link to a video posted in the page. So that's a nice touch: Plus if it's cats on the internet. I've seen it for sure. Simon's Cat is hilarious.
Things that can be added is color and formatting and more visual things, but that requires advanced knowledge of coding, which I have basic coding knowledge sorta. 

Pretty Webpage
The commands to <carrot> and </carrot> something still applies since only certain parts of the page are getting these visuals. 
I believe the stuff in the {brackets} do the same as well, minus having to use a backslash to stop a command. It simply needs to fit within the brackets I think.

Compare, Contrast
Based on looking at the coding in dreamweaver, the coding is relatively similar except they have css that builds the coloring of the text into the content and images are derived and found in the location of where the image is stored. Also, the stuff that isn't going to be visually shown ranges from the blue text AND green text now.