Friday, January 24, 2014


So I completely dropped the ball and didn't realize that our last discussion on modes was suppose to be a blog entry. I know it will be late and probably won't count, but I might as well put something up for my sake.

In class we talked about modes and how that effects the viewer. Grocery stores follow a certain outline and if you notice almost all grocery stores will have fresh produce on the outside of the store, while packaged goods are located in and out of the isles.

The spatial mode we explored was the CUB. Where texts, gestural, and linguistic modes can be lost in translation and left up to interpretation, modes such as spatial and aural modes can say a lot.

The layout of the CUB itself tells a lot about the space itself. It is the center of campus. It is the heart of the campus where everything is conveniently located.

We noted that it's target is not only the students on campus, but for visitors as well. They arrange the noise level based on levels and how each level centers on certain things.

The fourth floor for example is the academic centers. Students can go there to study or get help when they need it.

The main level has a food court, bookstore, a lounge for hanging out where TV's and games are provided.

The senior ballroom and junior ballroom has it's own level where more organized events can be held. There is also a theatre/auditorium, study areas, postal service, student serves, and banking services.

The CUB itself embodies the ideals of students where shopping, socializing, and studying can be achieved.

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