Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pathos this Image!

Before: Look at this happy child eating his watermelon. He's definitely enjoying the juiciness of this delicious fruit and also scared of swallowing the seeds because it might grow watermelons in their stomach. 
After: And now look at him, he regrets this decision completely. He's turning into a watermelon with his bright red cheeks and neon green hands.

The pathos I was trying to convey through this image was turning a seemingly joyful, nostalgic moment   that brings the childhood memories and summer back into an Ironic moment where the watermelon he is eating is becoming him. I tried changing the color of the watermelon to make it seem like he is sucking the life out of the watermelon (turning a white color) and visually transferring to his face.

By the way Cats + Internet = Match Made in Heaven.

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